
Quality control

We provide every stage of storage, transportation, loading, and unloading from receipt of the product to delivery to customers by our 9 accredited laboratories, and through quality control, we reliably and uninterruptedly supply our customers with petroleum products of the highest, guaranteed quality.

Our company has a complex analysis center and 9 branch quality laboratories, which are the basis of the quality control system for petroleum products, thus it is the only company in the industry that has a quality control laboratory.

Our quality laboratories are located in all the centers of Mongolia's economic development regions. In addition, our oil storage facility "New Tolgoit", located in Ulaanbaatar, was the first in its industry to receive state accreditation for double-checking the analyzes and activities of other laboratories.

Our laboratories regularly determine 21 quality indicators on qualified equipment in accordance with international standard methods ISO, American ASTM, Russian GOST, and Mongolian MNS standards.

Our Quality Analysis Laboratory is aimed at preventing the loss of fuel quality at all technological stages from fuel receipt to delivery to consumers.

Our Quality Control Laboratory, operating at the Novy Tolgoit central oil storage facility in Ulaanbaatar, has become the first accredited laboratory among all oil companies, and we also have branch laboratories at Oyutolgoy, Tsetsii Khairkhan warehouses, and regional centers.

Dear customers, please contact the country's first "trusted" Petroleum Products Quality Control Laboratory at the following address.

Address : New Tolgoi warehouse, district No. 20, Songinokhairkhan district, Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia.
PHONE (+976) 11330505

Get Information


We are always open to cooperate with individuals and business entities supplying best quality products and services with flexible terms tailored to clients’ specific needs and requirements. 

If you need quality control and about our laboratory, please fill out the following questionnaire and send your inquiries. Thank you.

Our responsible employee will contact you within 24 hours.

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