Two subsidiaries of Petrovis Groupranks in the TOP-100 enterprises

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Two subsidiaries of Petrovis Groupranks in the TOP-100 enterprises

The TOP-100 Enterprise Awards Ceremony, annually organized by the Government of Mongolia in cooperation with the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Mongolia, took place today at the Ceremonial Hall complex of the State Palace.

In 2018, NIC LLC of Petrovis Grouptook 7th place, and Petrostar LLC - 34th place for a significant contribution to the socio-economic development, construction and support of small and medium-sized businesses.

NIC LLC and Petrostar LLC have made a significant contribution to the social and economic development of Mongolia and have been leading private sector companies and organizations in key measures such as the total amount of taxes collected to the state budget, sales volume, number of employees, financial performance and sales social responsibility, which became the basis for their re-selection.

We are very pleased that the Petrovis Group, practicing corporate governance, sustainable development and social responsibility, reliably and promptly provides fuel and lubricants delivery services to all customers through its 400 filling stations, with the efforts of more than 2,000 employees working steadily throughout the country, making a real contribution in the socio-economic development of Mongolia.

Last year, Petrovis Grouplaunched many promotion programs for individual customers, including a points-based RedPoint program to reward loyal customers, and card products with flexible conditions for partner organizations.

Moreover, maintain our operational excellence in our core business -supplying quality products to our customers and partners – allow us to expand customer bases in unprecendented rate. An example of this has been witnessed in the fact that we won the tender for the supply of Euro 5 diesel supply to Oyu Tolgoi, the largest copper and gold mine in Mongolia.

In addition, we are working hard to implement management system standards such as ISO 9001:2015 for a business quality management system, ISO 14001:2018 for environmental management system performance requirements, and OHSAS 45001:2018 for occupational health and safety.

All these achievements are inextricably linked with the close cooperation of our clients and partner organizations and the dedication of our team.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all of you, dear customers and partner organizations, who put your unwavering trust into us and are working together to contribute to the social and economic development of our country.