The Petrovis Group, which implements environmentally friendly projects, cooperates with the Chuluut Taimen project.

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The Petrovis Group, which implements environmentally friendly projects, cooperates with the Chuluut Taimen project.

Since 2019, a group of ichthyologists from SSNGO (Society Serving Non-Governmental Organization) “Chuluut Taimen” have started the project “Chuluut Taimen 2030” in the Tariat sum of Arkhangai province, and Petrovis Grouphas been supporting the project for three years in a row.

In recent years, due to climate change, desertification and human activity, the Taimen fish population has drastically declined and is at risk of extinction.

Besides, rare and commercial fish species in the Chuluut River basin have become extremely rare and are listed in the Red Book of the Mongolian Fish List as endangered.

Therefore, in addition to protecting 12 species of native fish common in the rocky river basin, Chuluut Taimen NOSO has initiated a project to bring the basin’s fish stock to a normal level by artificially rearing endangered fish species in the region based on scientific research, thereby maintaining diversity of fish species.

Petrovis Group is collaborating with the Chuluut-Taimen 2030 project team to improve the current state of the Chuluut River, to protect rare fish from future negative impacts and threats of extinction, and to artificially breed and reintroduce Mongolian grayling, lenok and small fish, prey for Taimen. The Group has provided the necessary fuel for this project for the third year in a row, contributing to the conservation and reproduction of endangered fish species.

The Chuluut Taimen project continues to increase its fish breeding capacity every year. As of 2019, 230,000 hatched fishes were added to the stock, while in 2020 and 2021, the number increased by 730,000 and 1,230,000 fishes, respectively. At the end of the project in 2030, it is projected that total 15 million fishes will be bred.