CU stores getting closer to you, drivers.

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CU stores getting closer to you, drivers.

The international chain of convenience stores CU is partnering with Petrovis Groupto be closer to its customers and expand its services to more locations.

In addition to buying CU branded products and services, CU stores located at gas stations make shure you can purchase products specifically designed for drivers, saving your precious time.

Addresses of CU stores:

  • Gas station Petrovis-02, opposite the road of the Amgalan Tiger plant, 1st Horoo, Bayanzurkh district
  • Gas station Petrovis-09, near the Bayanzurkh auto-transport bureau, 10th horoo, Bayanzurkh district
  • Gas station Petrovis-16, southwest of the Peace Bridge, 1st Horoo, Khan-Uul district
  • Gas station Petrovis-28, behind the road to the company Material impex, 4th horoo, Bayangol district
  • Gas station Petrovis-18, next to the shoe factory, 3 horoo, Khan-Uul district
  • Gas station-21 at the intersection of roads from Darkhan and Uverkhangay, 20th Horoo, Songinokhairkhan district