The staff of Petrovis Groupdonated 20 million tugrug to the “Heart Will Not Forget” project.

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The staff of Petrovis Groupdonated 20 million tugrug to the “Heart Will Not Forget” project.

Every year in our country about 1000 children are born with a diagnosis of congenital heart disease - one of the most common anomalies in the world, and 200-300 of them need urgent surgical care.

Compared with other diseases, the operation of this disease can be completely cured if the operation is performed at the right time. The team of the leading national company Petrovis Group joined the "Heart Will Not Forget" project initiated by the Ulaanbaatar Songdo Hospital, which is successfully carrying out these operations in Mongolia, collected 20 million tugrug and donated them today.

On this occasion, Petrovis Oil LLC General Director S. Enkh-Amgalan stated: “Next year, our entire team will join again the “Heart Will Not Forget” project, which gives life to many small hearts”. 

In total, about 2,200 employees took part in the “Give Life to Little Hearts” campaign, initiated by employees and united for the sake of little hearts.

As part of a campaign launched with the important goal of preventing the death of children with congenital heart defects, based on the fact that citizens cannot travel abroad due to the global Covid-19 infection, as well as the high cost of performing surgery in foreign countries, in general 17 children were successfully operated on and got a peaceful life.

As part of social responsibility, Petrovis Groupimplements many projects and programs in leading sectors and areas such as the environment, national heritage, sports and health.

Heart never forget...