The winners of the promotion program “My Car” of Petrovis Groupreceived their prizes for the first month

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The winners of the promotion program “My Car” of Petrovis Groupreceived their prizes for the first month

P. Boldbaatar: I am very happy to become the owner of a completely new car just on the 8th of the new year, which is very symbolic for the Mongols.

P. Boldbaatar, a customer in Ulaanbaatar, who became the owner of a completely new car of the famous French brand Renault with "0" mileage, which is the super prize of the promotionprogram, imported by Monnis Motors as an official distributor, said:

“On New Year's Eve, as the winner of the My Car promotion program announced by the Petrovis Group, my family received a completely new Renault Duster car as a gift. We are extremely happy and pleased that a very symbolic event has taken place in our family. Although I did not watch the live broadcast on the national television, within 30 minutes I received many calls and messages from strangers with congratulations and wishes of happiness. Soon the Petrovis company officially congratulated us and told us to come and pick up our new car.

In the year of the white-mouthed mouse, which is considered a symbol of well-being among the Mongolian people, our family expanded with a new member, a few days ago we had a new niece. Today we got a new car. Also, the live broadcast also coincides with the auspicious day of February 29, which happens once every four years, and symbolizes that we are is blessed.

I bought petrol at the Petrovis gas station in Ulaanhuaran three times in a month and got the car based on the registered receipts. The last time I bought gas was on my way to my brother’s home on the weekend. I would like to express my deep gratitude to the staff of this filling station, all the team of the entire Petrovis Group, who brought me a great award.”

In addition, M. Asemnur, a customer of Bayan-Ulgii province, became the owner of the rights to the services of a car service company "Monnis Motors" worth 1,000,000 tugrug, P. Narantuyaa, a customer of Ulaanbaatar, was awarded the right to fuel in the amount of 500,000 tugrug, and B. Erdenechimeg, a customer of Ulaanbaatar, received the rights to special oils and lubricants of the Mobil brand in the amount of 300,000 tugrug, respectively.

The promotionawards were presented to the owners and congratulated by the First Deputy Director of Petrovis Oil LLC P. Erdenesaikhan and the Marketing Director of Monnis Motors M. Tsedevdolgor.


The promotion is running across the country, and new owners of one car and three other prizes will be announced each month. The winners of the second stage of the program will be announced on April 30, 2020 live on the Mongolian National Public Television.

Petrovis Groupteam offers its customers a rare opportunity to buy a completely new car by buying fuel for daily consumption. Please don't miss this opportunity.

You can get detailed information about the promotion at all Petrovis gas stations closest to you and on our official website.


Урамшууллын эздийн шагналын Петровис Ойл ХХК-ийн Тэргүүн дэд захирал П.Эрдэнэсайхан болон “Моннис Моторс” компанийн Маркетинг хариуцсан захирал М.Цэдэвдолгор нар гардуулан өгч, баяр хүргэлээ.

Урамшуулалт хөтөлбөр орон даяар үргэлжилж байгаа бөгөөд сар бүр нэг шинэ автомашины эзэн болон бусад гурван шагналын эзэн тодрох юм. Хөтөлбөрийн хоёр дахь удаагийн урамшууллын эзэд 2020 оны 04-р сарын 30-ны өдөр МҮОНТ-ийн шууд нэвтрүүлгээр тодорно.

Өдөр тутмын хэрэглээ болсон шатахуунаа аваад цоо шинэ автомашинтай болох ховорхон боломжийг Петровис Группийн хамт олон хэрэглэгчдэдээ олгож байна. Та бүхэн энэхүү боломжийг бүү алдаарай.

Урамшуулалт хөтөлбөртэй холбоотой дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг та бүхэн өөрт ойр байрлах Петровисийн бүх ШТС-ууд болон албан ёсны цахим хуудсуудаар авах боломжтой юм.